Virtual desktops & Dedicated VPS Servers

Virtual desktop enables users to store the desktop environment remotely on a server.A virtual operating system (OS) assigned for users once the virtualization software splits the physical machine from the software in the local machine. This ensures users to keep working regardless their physical location. Information is stored remotely; therefore eliminating the need to update and install the patches for local machines.

Remote storage secures your organizations data from losses associated with BYOD. CYOD & COPE.

We give you the freedom to choose the servers to host your website or service your data based on initial environmental analysis with options available but not limited to dedicated servers and virtual private servers, which we efficiently manage to meet your different communication needs. VPS server:

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Our projects delivered in-line with both Prince II and ITIL best practice.

For organizations with an active Business or Organization website, or are creating a website expected to have moderate to high amounts of traffic such as active blogs, medium e-commerce websites with fairly active eshops, medium directory listings, active CMS sites or other Memory intensive Applications, our Business Hosting Plans will be the best selection.
With large and popular e-shops, highly popular or large blog, large CMS website or highly active e-commerce portal with very high volumes of traffic and intensive resource requirements with need for full server control with root access then a VPS or Dedicated server is your option, depending on the size or complexity of your project.

Eazzy Solutions will host your website using the most secure and up to date technologies. Our experts understand that the safety of your website is as critical as your life. Avoid spending money on people who do not have the requisite knowledge.
We have developers, programmers, and online lovers who are compelled to solve problems through design and development using industry best practices and standards.